Hi, I'm Victor

Welcome to my responsive-, and very performant website.
I am a front-end webdeveloper from the Netherlands. Currently, I am employed at Bluebird Day where I develop e-commerce and retail websites. Working on the web on and off since the early 2000's, I've been running my own business on the side, since 2009, doing freelance development and design.

Note to recruiters: this is not an invite to call or message me about a new freelance Java job. Thanks.

Currently, I like to focus on performance optimisation, ES6, VueJS, large scale (S)CSS architecture and accessibility. I am fluent in Dutch, English and sarcasm.

I went to school: In 2011 I graduated St. Joost art academy where I focussed on interactive art installations. Before that I attended a 4 year course at Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht on multimedia design (which meant learning Macromedia Director, 3D Studio Max and dragging around some tables in Dreamweaver). On the side I was building websites and taking on design jobs for bands and personal projects. This is where I actually learned something.

Work Experience


You can find me on Twitter, where I don't really tweet, and on LinkedIn, where I'll ignore you if you're an external recruiter.

© 2025, Victor Freriks